Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to create your affiliate link to our content..

You can use the conventional ClickBank affiliate URL, but there are some advantages to using our own custom system.

Very often we publish videos and tutorials and trader tips that are not on our home page. You will want to send readers to those links, but will also want the reader to set the ClickBank cookie, so that you will earn revenue.

We have installed some nifty software to ensure that you will get your affiliate cookie set correctly (ClickBank), and the reader will get to the correct web page or document too.

Let's imagine that you want a reader to set the ClickBank cookie, and you want them to go to another web page after that. You will need two URLs to accomplish this, and then you will combine the two in a special way.

Here is how it works for

First there is the URL, to set the ClickBank cookie
(right-click here to copy the URL)
Replace the text "CLICKBANKID" with your own ClickBank account ID.

Then there is the destination URL where to want to send the reader. This URL will change, depending on the promotion. For this example, we use this one:
(right-click here to copy the URL)

You want the reader to go to the first URL then automatically be directed to the second URL, so you have to join the URLs in the following way;{URL} <<--must all be on one line.
Replace {URL} with the target (destination) URL.

So the URL will look like this: <<--must all be on one line.
(right-click here to copy the URL)
You must remember to replace the text "CLICKBANKID" with your own ClickBank ID

That is the way to do it for our DailyForexCharts website.

Here is how it works for

The process is very similar for but the initial ClickBank cookie URL is different. The first part changes a little.

You want the reader to go to the first URL then automatically be directed to the second URL, so you have to join the URLs in the following way;{URL}
Replace {URL} with the target (destination) URL.

So the URL will look like this:
(right-click here to copy the URL)
You must remember to replace the text "CLICKBANKID" with your own ClickBank ID

Try it. After a few attempts, it's really easy. Remember to test that the cookie is set correctly. If you don't know how to do that, send me email, I'll help you.

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